HuggingFace: Loading Checkpoint Shards in Colab for Llama-3-8B Stops at 25%? Here’s the Fix!
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HuggingFace: Loading Checkpoint Shards in Colab for Llama-3-8B Stops at 25%? Here’s the Fix!

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If you’re stuck loading checkpoint shards for the Llama-3-8B model in Google Colab and it’s stopping at 25%, you’re not alone! This frustrating issue has been plaguing many users, and today, we’re going to tackle it head-on. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the problem, its causes, and most importantly, the solutions to get you up and running with your large language model experiments.

The Problem: Loading Checkpoint Shards Stops at 25%

When attempting to load the Llama-3-8B model in Colab, you might encounter an issue where the loading process stops at 25%. This is usually accompanied by an error message indicating that the model weights couldn’t be loaded. This problem arises due to the way Colab handles large model checkpoint files.

Cause 1: Large File Sizes

The Llama-3-8B model has a massive size of around 8 billion parameters, resulting in huge checkpoint files. These large files can be challenging to handle, especially in Colab’s environment, which has limitations on file size and memory.

Cause 2: Colab’s File System Limitations

Colab uses a network file system (NFS) to store files, which has limitations on file size and concurrency. When you try to load a large model like Llama-3-8B, it can exceed these limits, causing the loading process to fail.

Solutions to Load Checkpoint Shards Successfully

Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered! Here are a few solutions to overcome the 25% loading issue and successfully load the Llama-3-8B model in Colab:

Solution 1: Use Hugging Face’s `from_pretrained` Method with `low_memory=True`

from transformers import LLaMAForConversation, AutoModelForSequenceClassification

model = LLaMAForConversation.from_pretrained('llama-3-8b', low_memory=True)

This method tells Hugging Face to load the model in a way that’s optimized for low-memory environments like Colab. By setting `low_memory=True`, you’re allowing the model to be loaded in chunks, reducing the memory requirements.

Solution 2: Load Checkpoint Shards Manually using `torch.distributed_checkpoint.load`

import torch
from torch.distributed.checkpoint import load

# Load the checkpoint shards
chunks = []
for i in range(24):  # adjust the range according to your shard count
    chunk = load(f'path/to/checkpoint_shard_{i}.pt', map_location='cpu')

# Reconstruct the model state
model_state = {}
for chunk in chunks:

# Load the model using the reconstructed state
model = LLaMAForConversation(config)

This approach requires a bit more effort, but it gives you fine-grained control over the loading process. You’ll need to load each checkpoint shard individually using `torch.distributed_checkpoint.load` and then reconstruct the model state. Finally, load the model using the reconstructed state.

Solution 3: Use a Cloud-Based Solution like Google Cloud Storage or AWS S3

If you’re dealing with extremely large models, it’s recommended to use a cloud-based storage solution like Google Cloud Storage or AWS S3 to store your checkpoint files. This allows you to bypass Colab’s file system limitations and load the model directly from the cloud.

Solution Pros Cons
Solution 1: `from_pretrained` with `low_memory=True` Easy to implement, optimized for low-memory environments May not work for extremely large models
Solution 2: Manual checkpoint shard loading Provides fine-grained control, works for extremely large models Requires more effort and coding
Solution 3: Cloud-based storage Bypasses Colab’s file system limitations, scalable Requires cloud storage setup and configuration

Additional Tips and Best Practices

Here are some additional tips to help you work with large language models like Llama-3-8B in Colab:

  • Use the latest version of Hugging Face’s Transformers library, as it often includes bug fixes and optimizations for large models.
  • Monitor your Colab memory usage, and adjust your model or batch size accordingly to avoid running out of memory.
  • Split your data into smaller batches to reduce the memory requirements and improve training stability.
  • Use a checkpointing strategy to save model weights at regular intervals, ensuring you don’t lose progress in case of failures.


Loading checkpoint shards for large language models like Llama-3-8B in Colab can be a challenge, but with the right approaches, you can overcome the 25% loading issue. By using Hugging Face’s `from_pretrained` method with `low_memory=True`, loading checkpoint shards manually, or leveraging cloud-based storage solutions, you’ll be able to successfully load and work with these massive models. Remember to follow best practices, monitor your memory usage, and adjust your approach as needed to ensure a smooth and efficient workflow.

Happy modeling, and don’t hesitate to share your experiences and questions in the comments below!

Here is the FAQ section about loading checkpoint shards in Collab for Llama-3-8B:

Frequently Asked Questions

Stuck with loading checkpoint shards in Collab for Llama-3-8B? We’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you troubleshoot the issue.

Why does loading checkpoint shards in Collab for Llama-3-8B stop at 25%?

This issue is often caused by a timeout error or an interruption in the loading process. Try increasing the timeout duration or reloading the checkpoint shards to resolve the issue.

How can I increase the timeout duration in Collab for loading checkpoint shards?

You can increase the timeout duration by adding the `timeout` argument when loading the checkpoint shards. For example, `transformers.LlamaForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(‘llama-3-8b’, timeout=300)`. This sets the timeout to 5 minutes, but you can adjust the value according to your needs.

What should I do if reloading the checkpoint shards doesn’t resolve the issue?

If reloading the checkpoint shards doesn’t work, try checking the GPU memory and disk space availability. Sometimes, running out of resources can cause the loading process to fail. Make sure you have sufficient resources to load the checkpoint shards successfully.

Can I use a different loading method to avoid the 25% issue?

Yes, you can try using the `from_pretrained` method with the `map_location` argument to load the checkpoint shards in chunks. This can help avoid the 25% issue by reducing the memory requirements. For example, `model = transformers.LlamaForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(‘llama-3-8b’, map_location=’cpu’)`.

Is there a way to load only a specific portion of the checkpoint shards?

Yes, you can use the `from_partial_checkpoint` method to load only a specific portion of the checkpoint shards. This can be useful if you’re working with limited resources or want to speed up the loading process. For example, `model = transformers.LlamaForSequenceClassification.from_partial_checkpoint(‘llama-3-8b’, num_layers=6)`.