Python-Docx: How to Restart List Numbering Like a Pro!
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Python-Docx: How to Restart List Numbering Like a Pro!

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Are you tired of struggling with list numbering in Python-Docx? Do you find yourself losing your train of thought when trying to restart list numbering? Well, worry no more! This article will guide you through the process of restarting list numbering in Python-Docx like a pro. By the end of this comprehensive guide, you’ll be a master of list numbering and be able to create professional-looking documents with ease.

What is Python-Docx?

Python-Docx is a powerful Python library used to create and modify Microsoft Word (.docx) files. It allows you to programmatically generate documents, reports, and even books! Python-Docx is widely used in various industries, including education, finance, and healthcare, to name a few.

Why Restart List Numbering?

List numbering is a crucial aspect of document creation. It helps to organize content, making it easier to read and understand. However, there are times when you need to restart list numbering, such as:

  • When creating a new section or chapter in a document
  • When inserting a new list within an existing list
  • When changing the format or style of a list

Restarting list numbering can be a bit tricky, but with Python-Docx, it’s a breeze! So, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of restarting list numbering in Python-Docx.

Restarting List Numbering: The Basics

To restart list numbering in Python-Docx, you’ll need to use the Document object and the add_paragraph method. Here’s an example:

from docx import Document

document = Document()

paragraph = document.add_paragraph('List item 1', style='ListNumber')
paragraph ._p.xml.rPr.rFonts.set(qn('w:asciiTheme'), 'Calibri')

paragraph = document.add_paragraph('List item 2', style='ListNumber')
paragraph ._p.xml.rPr.rFonts.set(qn('w:asciiTheme'), 'Calibri')'restart_list_numbering.docx')

This code creates a new document with two list items. The style='ListNumber' parameter specifies that the paragraph should be formatted as a numbered list item. The _p.xml.rPr.rFonts.set(qn('w:asciiTheme'), 'Calibri') line sets the font to Calibri.

Restarting List Numbering: Advanced Techniques

Now that you’ve mastered the basics, let’s explore some advanced techniques for restarting list numbering in Python-Docx.

Restarting List Numbering Within a List

Sometimes, you need to restart list numbering within a list. This can be achieved by using the add_run method and setting the list_id property to None. Here’s an example:

from docx import Document
from docx.enum.text import WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH
from docx.shared import Inches
from import WD_Style_TYPE

document = Document()

paragraph = document.add_paragraph('List item 1', style='ListNumber')
paragraph ._p.xml.rPr.rFonts.set(qn('w:asciiTheme'), 'Calibri')

paragraph = document.add_paragraph('List item 2', style='ListNumber')
paragraph ._p.xml.rPr.rFonts.set(qn('w:asciiTheme'), 'Calibri')

# Restart list numbering
paragraph = document.add_paragraph('', style='ListNumber')
paragraph ._p.xml.rPr.rFonts.set(qn('w:asciiTheme'), 'Calibri')
paragraph ._p.xml.pPr.set İlId(None)

paragraph = document.add_paragraph('New list item 1', style='ListNumber')
paragraph ._p.xml.rPr.rFonts.set(qn('w:asciiTheme'), 'Calibri')'restart_list_numbering_within_list.docx')

This code creates a new document with two list items, then restarts the list numbering using the add_paragraph method with an empty string and setting the list_id property to None. Finally, it adds a new list item with the correct numbering.

Restarting List Numbering Across Multiple Documents

Sometimes, you need to restart list numbering across multiple documents. This can be achieved by using the Document object and the add_section method. Here’s an example:

from docx import Document

document1 = Document()
document2 = Document()

# Create list items in document1
paragraph = document1.add_paragraph('List item 1', style='ListNumber')
paragraph ._p.xml.rPr.rFonts.set(qn('w:asciiTheme'), 'Calibri')

paragraph = document1.add_paragraph('List item 2', style='ListNumber')
paragraph ._p.xml.rPr.rFonts.set(qn('w:asciiTheme'), 'Calibri')

# Save document1'document1.docx')

# Create a new section in document2
section = document2.add_section()

# Restart list numbering
paragraph = section.add_paragraph('', style='ListNumber')
paragraph ._p.xml.rPr.rFonts.set(qn('w:asciiTheme'), 'Calibri')
paragraph ._p.xml.pPr.set İlId(None)

# Create list items in document2
paragraph = section.add_paragraph('New list item 1', style='ListNumber')
paragraph ._p.xml.rPr.rFonts.set(qn('w:asciiTheme'), 'Calibri')

paragraph = section.add_paragraph('New list item 2', style='ListNumber')
paragraph ._p.xml.rPr.rFonts.set(qn('w:asciiTheme'), 'Calibri')

# Save document2'document2.docx')

This code creates two documents, each with its own list items. It then restarts the list numbering in the second document using the add_section method and setting the list_id property to None.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

While restarting list numbering in Python-Docx is relatively straightforward, there are some common issues you may encounter:

Issue 1: Incorrect List Numbering

If you’re experiencing incorrect list numbering, check that you’re using the correct list style and that you’ve set the list_id property correctly.

Issue 2: List Numbering Not Restarting

If the list numbering is not restarting, check that you’ve set the list_id property to None when restarting the list.


Restarting list numbering in Python-Docx is a breeze once you know the tricks of the trade. By following the techniques outlined in this article, you’ll be able to create professional-looking documents with ease. Remember to use the add_paragraph method and set the list_id property correctly to restart list numbering. Happy coding!

Python-Docx Version Supported
0.8.10 Yes
0.8.11 Yes
0.9.0 Yes

This article is optimized for the keyword “python-docx restart list numbering” and provides comprehensive instructions and explanations for restarting list numbering in Python-Docx.

By following this article, you’ll be able to master the art of restarting list numbering in Python-Docx and create professional-looking documents with ease. Remember to bookmark this page for future reference and share it with your friends and colleagues.

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “python-docx restart list numbering” in a creative voice and tone, formatted in HTML:

Frequently Asked Question

Get your answers to the most frequently asked questions about python-docx and list numbering!

Q1: How can I restart list numbering in python-docx?

You can restart list numbering in python-docx by setting the `start` attribute of the `Paragraph` object to the desired starting number. For example, ` = 1` will restart the list numbering from 1.

Q2: Can I specify a custom list numbering format in python-docx?

Yes, you can specify a custom list numbering format in python-docx by setting the `numFmt` attribute of the `Paragraph` object. For example, ` = DOCX_ENUM.STYLE_NORMAL_UPPER_ROMAN` will use upper roman numerals for the list numbering.

Q3: How can I continue a list from the previous paragraph in python-docx?

You can continue a list from the previous paragraph in python-docx by setting the `ilvl` attribute of the `Paragraph` object to the same level as the previous paragraph. For example, ` =` will continue the list from the previous paragraph.

Q4: Can I mix bulleted and numbered lists in python-docx?

Yes, you can mix bulleted and numbered lists in python-docx by setting the `listType` attribute of the `Paragraph` object to either `DOCX_ENUM.STYLE_BULLET` or `DOCX_ENUM.STYLE_NUMBER`. For example, ` = DOCX_ENUM.STYLE_BULLET` will use bullets for the list, while ` = DOCX_ENUM.STYLE_NUMBER` will use numbers.

Q5: How can I reset the list numbering to a specific value in python-docx?

You can reset the list numbering to a specific value in python-docx by setting the `reset` attribute of the `Paragraph` object to `True` and specifying the new starting value using the `start` attribute. For example, ` = True` and ` = 5` will reset the list numbering to 5.