Unlocking the Power of Google Credentials: A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting a GoogleCredentials Object from Application.properties in Springboot REST API
Image by Ebeneezer - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of Google Credentials: A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting a GoogleCredentials Object from Application.properties in Springboot REST API

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Are you tired of manually configuring your Google credentials in your Springboot REST API? Do you want to simplify your development process and focus on building amazing applications? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to get a GoogleCredentials object from reading the credential details from an application.properties file in Springboot REST API.

Why Use Application.properties?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s talk about why using an application.properties file is a game-changer. This file allows you to externalize your configuration properties, making it easy to switch between different environments (e.g., development, testing, production) without modifying your code. By storing your Google credentials in this file, you can keep them secure and separate from your codebase.

Benefits of Using Application.properties

  • Easy configuration management: No more hardcoded credentials or manual configuration
  • Improved security: Keep your credentials separate from your codebase
  • Faster development: Switch between environments without modifying your code
  • Enhanced collaboration: Share your application.properties file with team members without sharing sensitive information

Preparing Your Application.properties File

Let’s get started! Create a new file named application.properties in the root of your Springboot project’s src/main/resources directory.

# application.properties

Replace YOUR_CLIENT_ID, YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET, and YOUR_REFRESH_TOKEN with your actual Google credentials.

Creating a Custom Configuration Class

Next, create a custom configuration class to read the Google credentials from the application.properties file. Create a new Java class named GoogleCredentialsConfig in your Springboot project’s package.

// GoogleCredentialsConfig.java
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "google.credentials")
public class GoogleCredentialsConfig {
  private String clientId;
  private String clientSecret;
  private String refreshToken;
  // Getters and setters

The @Configuration annotation indicates that this class is a configuration class, while the @ConfigurationProperties annotation specifies the prefix for the properties in the application.properties file.

Setting Up Google Credentials

Now, let’s create a new Java class to set up the Google credentials using the custom configuration class. Create a new class named GoogleCredentialsSetup.

// GoogleCredentialsSetup.java
public class GoogleCredentialsSetup {
  private GoogleCredentialsConfig googleCredentialsConfig;
  public GoogleCredentials getGoogleCredentials() {
    GoogleCredentials credentials = new GoogleCredentials(
      new AuthorizationCodeTokenRequest(
        new NetHttpTransport(),
        new JacksonFactory(),
    return credentials;

The @Service annotation indicates that this class is a Spring service. The getGoogleCredentials() method creates a new GoogleCredentials object using the custom configuration class and returns it.

Injecting the GoogleCredentials Object

Finally, let’s inject the GoogleCredentials object into your Springboot REST API. Create a new controller class, for example, MyController.

// MyController.java
public class MyController {
  private GoogleCredentialsSetup googleCredentialsSetup;
  public String getGoogleData() {
    GoogleCredentials credentials = googleCredentialsSetup.getGoogleCredentials();
    // Use the credentials to make API calls or perform other tasks
    return "Google credentials obtained successfully!";

The @RestController annotation indicates that this class is a REST controller, while the @Autowired annotation injects the GoogleCredentialsSetup instance. The getGoogleData() method retrieves the GoogleCredentials object and uses it to make API calls or perform other tasks.


Congratulations! You’ve successfully obtained a GoogleCredentials object from reading the credential details from an application.properties file in your Springboot REST API. By following this step-by-step guide, you’ve simplified your development process, improved security, and enhanced collaboration.

Next Steps

  • Implement error handling and logging to ensure robustness and debugging capabilities
  • Explore other Google APIs and services to leverage the power of Google credentials
  • Integrate your Springboot REST API with other systems and applications to unlock new possibilities

Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Keep your Google credentials secure and never share them with unauthorized parties. Happy coding!

Keyword Frequency
GoogleCredentials 7
application.properties 4
Springboot 5

This article has been optimized for the keyword “Getting of GoogleCredentials object from reading the credential details from application.properties file in Springboot REST API” and is designed to provide clear and direct instructions for developers. By following this guide, you’ll be able to simplify your development process and unlock the full potential of Google credentials in your Springboot REST API.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of Springboot REST API and Google credentials!

Q1: How do I read credential details from an application.properties file in a Springboot REST API?

You can read credential details from an application.properties file by using the @Value annotation or the Springboot’s environment abstraction. For example, you can create a properties file with the credentials and then inject them into a configuration class using @Value. You can also use Springboot’s built-in support for externalized configuration to read the credentials from the properties file.

Q2: What is the GoogleCredentials object, and how does it relate to the application.properties file?

The GoogleCredentials object is a Java class that represents the credentials used to authenticate with Google services. You can create a GoogleCredentials object by reading the credential details from the application.properties file and then using the GoogleCredentials.fromStream() method to create the credentials object.

Q3: Can I use Springboot’s auto-configuration to create a GoogleCredentials object from the application.properties file?

Yes, you can use Springboot’s auto-configuration to create a GoogleCredentials object from the application.properties file. By using the @ConfigurationProperties annotation, you can tell Springboot to read the credential details from the properties file and create a GoogleCredentials object automatically.

Q4: How do I handle errors when reading credential details from the application.properties file?

You can handle errors when reading credential details from the application.properties file by using try-catch blocks to catch exceptions, or by using Springboot’s built-in error handling mechanisms, such as the @ExceptionHandler annotation. It’s also a good practice to validate the credential details read from the properties file to ensure they are correct.

Q5: Are there any security considerations when storing credential details in an application.properties file?

Yes, there are security considerations when storing credential details in an application.properties file. You should ensure that the file is properly secured and not accessible to unauthorized users. You can also consider using environment variables or a secure secrets manager to store sensitive credential details.

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