Build a Simple Project using GN: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Build a Simple Project using GN: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Welcome to this comprehensive guide on building a simple project using GN (Generate Ninja), a meta-build system that allows you to define your build process in a more concise and explicit way. In this article, we’ll walk you through the entire process, from setting up your environment to building and running your project. So, buckle up and let’s get started!

What is GN?

GN (Generate Ninja) is a meta-build system developed by the Chromium team. It’s designed to be fast, scalable, and flexible, making it an ideal choice for large and complex projects. GN allows you to define your build process in a Python-like syntax, which makes it easy to understand and maintain. GN generates Ninja build files, which can be used to build your project.

Setting up your Environment

Before we dive into the project, let’s make sure our environment is set up correctly. You’ll need to install the following:

  • GN (Generate Ninja)
  • Ninja (build system)
  • A C/C++ compiler (e.g., GCC or Clang)
  • An editor or IDE of your choice

Once you have installed GN and Ninja, you’re ready to move on to the next step.

Creating a New Project

Let’s create a new project directory and navigate to it:

mkdir myproject
cd myproject

Now, let’s create a new file called, which will contain our build configuration:

gn init

This will create a basic file with some default settings.

Defining our Project

In this example, we’ll create a simple C++ project that prints “Hello, World!” to the console. Let’s modify our file to include the following:

executable("hello_world") {
  sources = [ "" ]
  deps = []

This defines an executable target called hello_world, which depends on a single source file

Writing our Source Code

Now, let’s create our source file


int main() {
  std::cout << "Hello, World!" << std::endl;
  return 0;

This is a simple C++ program that prints "Hello, World!" to the console.

Building our Project

Now that we have our build configuration and source code in place, let's build our project:

gn gen out
ninja -C out

The first command generates the Ninja build files, and the second command builds our project using Ninja.

Running our Project

Finally, let's run our project:


This should print "Hello, World!" to the console.

GN Syntax

Now that we've completed our simple project, let's take a closer look at the GN syntax.


In GN, a target represents a buildable entity, such as an executable, library, or source file. Targets are defined using the executable(), library(), or source_set() functions.

executable("hello_world") {

library("mylib") {

source_set("mysources") {


Dependencies are used to specify the relationships between targets. In our example, we defined an executable target that depends on a single source file:

executable("hello_world") {
  sources = [ "" ]
  deps = []

We can also specify dependencies between targets:

executable("hello_world") {
  deps = [ ":mylib" ]

library("mylib") {
  sources = [ "" ]


Configurations are used to specify build settings, such as compiler flags and include directories. We can define a configuration and apply it to our target:

config("myconfig") {
  defines = [ "MY_DEFINE" ]
  include_dirs = [ "include" ]

executable("hello_world") {
  configs = [ ":myconfig" ]
  sources = [ "" ]
  deps = []

GN Modules

GN modules are reusable pieces of build logic that can be imported and used in multiple projects. Let's create a simple GN module called

module("my_module") {
  deps = [ "//third_party/mylib" ]
  includes = [ "my_header.h" ]

We can then import this module in our file:


executable("hello_world") {
  sources = [ "" ]
  deps = [ ":my_module" ]


In this article, we've covered the basics of building a simple project using GN. We've defined our project, written our source code, and built and run our project using GN and Ninja. We've also explored the GN syntax, including targets, dependencies, configurations, and modules.

GN provides a flexible and scalable way to define your build process, making it an ideal choice for large and complex projects. With this guide, you're ready to start building your own projects using GN.

Additional Resources

For more information on GN, check out the following resources:

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about GN:

What is GN? GN is a meta-build system that generates Ninja build files.
What is Ninja? Ninja is a build system that uses build files generated by GN.
How do I define a target in GN? You can define a target using the executable(), library(), or source_set() functions.
How do I specify dependencies in GN? You can specify dependencies using the deps variable in your target definition.

I hope this guide has provided a comprehensive introduction to building a simple project using GN. Happy building!

Frequently Asked Question

If you're new to using GN, you probably have a lot of questions. Here are some answers to get you started!

What is GN and why should I use it?

GN is a meta-build system that generates build files for Ninja. It's a powerful tool that simplifies the build process and makes it more efficient. You should use GN because it allows you to define your build configuration in a simple and concise way, making it easy to manage complex projects.

What is the basic structure of a GN file?

A GN file typically consists of a series of declarations, each defining a specific aspect of the build configuration. The basic structure includes imports, variables, templates, and targets. Imports bring in external dependencies, variables define values used throughout the file, templates provide reusable code, and targets specify the outputs of the build process.

How do I create a simple project using GN?

To create a simple project using GN, start by creating a new directory for your project and navigating to it in the terminal. Then, create a new file called `` and define your build configuration using GN syntax. For example, you can start with a basic executable target and add dependencies as needed. Finally, run `gn gen out` to generate the build files and `ninja -C out` to build your project.

What are some common GN variables?

Some common GN variables include `target_name`, `target_type`, `sources`, and `dependencies`. The `target_name` variable specifies the name of the target, `target_type` defines the type of target (e.g., executable, library), `sources` lists the source files required for the build, and `dependencies` specifies any dependencies required by the target.

How do I debug my GN build configuration?

To debug your GN build configuration, you can use the `gn debug` command to print out the build configuration in a readable format. You can also use the `gn args` command to print out the values of variables and the `gn desc` command to print out a description of the build configuration. Additionally, you can use the `ninja -v` command to enable verbose output during the build process.

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